Raising smart, curious children

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ~William Arthur Ward

Being curious about things means we love learning-Top Schools in Noida. People who love learning demonstrate positive outcomes in their lives and all we have to do as parents is make sure we kindle  the same flame of curiosity and explorations in our children. We can do so in the following ways-

Provide tools for learning: It can be done by providing appropriate learning activities such as visiting the library, buying books from the shops and having access to the Internet for browsing and making available new learning tools for children to ignite their curiosity.

Eliminate the use of rewards for learning: Research shows that the more we reward someone for a task, the less interested they become in the task. When rewards are offered, people generally become more interested in the reward than in the process required to obtain the reward. Instead encourage curiosity for better outcomes.

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