26th of January, A Day of Pride
We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic …. do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution.” Thus here our preamble declares India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, and Democratic Republic country. It assured the rights and duties for the people who are guaranteed through the Preamble. On 26th January 1950, the final draft of the constitution of India came into existence and thus it was the day when the Indian Constitution came into force with a democratic government system which is further celebrated as our Republic Day. India had now chosen to be governed by the elected representatives of the people headed by the President of the country by becoming a Republic. It was the day of immense pride because we have now become part of the democratic republic country. As the preamble to the constitution states, with its objectives, it secures justice, liberty, equality to all citizens and promotes fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the nation. So, the date 26th January is marked as an important date in the life of every citizen of India.
Since then, India celebrates its Republic Day on 26th of January with great fervor and pride. Each year this day has marked with grand ceremonious parades at New Delhi which celebrates the day when the Constitution of India came into effect making India a fully independent sovereign state. The day is celebrated throughout India in all the state capitals. Many businesses and shops are closed for the day along with government offices, banks, schools (CBSE Schools in Noida), and colleges. A large celebration is held in New Delhi where the prime minister of the country initiates the day with laying a wreath at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India gate in memory of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the pride of the country. The president takes the military salute and armed forces fly past over the parade area showering the people below with rose petals. People participate in parades all over India and school children take part by dancing and performing traditional and patriotic songs. Republic day is a day where acts of bravery are rewarded with medals both to the military and civilians. The spirit of the celebration focuses on the independence of India and celebrations conclude with a ‘fly past’ by the Indian Airforce where aircraft leave a beautiful trail of smoke in the tricolour of our national flag.
Getting into the Timeline:-
On 15th August 1947, India got Independence from the British Rule by following the Indian Independence Movement. The Independence of India came out through the Indian Independence Act 1947. It is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which partitioned British India into two independent Dominions of the British Commonwealth later it became the Commonwealth of Nations. Though India did not have a permanent constitution and hence its laws were based on the modified colonial Act – Government of India Act 1935. So on 29th August 1947, a resolution was moved for appointing a drafting committee to draft a permanent constitution headed by Dr. B R Ambedkar.
On 4th November 1947, the draft of the constitution was prepared and submitted to Constituent Assembly. On 24th January 1950, after some modifications and deliberations, assembly of 308 members signed the two copies each in English and Hindi and two days later on 26th January 1950, it came into effect throughout the nation. Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first official President of the Indian Union. Under some transitional provisions of the new Constitution and from that the Constituent Assembly became the Parliament of India. Since then, 26th January is celebrated as Republic Day of India.

Picture Source: Google
Members of the Constituent Assembly signing the Constitution of India.
71st Republic Day- a Day of Pride and Honour
Republic Day Chief Guest 2020: –
From 1950, India has been hosting the head of state or Government of another country as a chief guest on Republic Day Celebrations in New Delhi. This year our country will be celebrating its 71st Republic day and the Prime Minister of the country Mr. Narendra Modi has invited the President of Brazil “President Jair Bolsonaro” to the Republic Day celebration 2020.
How Republic Day is celebrated-
The Republic Day celebration is held in the capital of India, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India. On this day at Rajpath, ceremony parades take place as a tribute to unity in diversity and the rich cultural heritage of India.
**Republic Day Parade:-
The Indian Republic Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and zeal. The famous Republic Day Parade in New Delhi is organized by the Ministry of Defence. The Parade began from the Rashtrapati Bhavan gates, Raisina Hill on Rajpath to India Gate. The parade is the main attraction of the Republic Day celebration which lasts until three days. The parade is performed to pay tribute to the brave martyrs who had laid down their lives for the prestige and pride of our motherland.
On this day the Prime Minister of India lays a wreath and tribute at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate and 21-gun salute by the firing of 21 canons as military honour in the memory of all members of Armed Forces who gave up their lives to save our country. After paying tribute, National Flag is Unfurled with the singing of the National Anthem. After the Flag hosting, award distribution of gallantry awards like Paramvir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, and Vir Chakra and other civilian bravery awards ceremony takes place.
The parade starts with the winner of bravery awards by saluting our President in the open military jeeps which are followed by displaying various tanks, missiles, and other military equipment. After this, different regiments of the armed force, police, Home Guards and national Cadet Corps do a march past. The following parade is continued with different state performances and cultural dances.
**Beating Retreat Ceremony: –
The Beating Retreat Ceremony is conducted on the evening of 29th January, the third day after the Republic Day at the Vijay Chowk organized by the section of Ministry of Defense, which officially denotes the end of Republic festivities. The chief guest of the Beating Retreat function is the President of India who arrives in cavalry unit escorted by the ‘President’s Bodyguard’ PBG a cavalry unit. The ceremony is performed by the bands of the three wings of the military- the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. After the President arrives the PBG commander asks the unit to give National Salute followed by National Anthem by the Army.
Republic Day Celebrations at ASPAM
‘A day of Pride – a Joy for the life’: – Special Assembly on 24th January
We Aspamians always take pride to be born in the country who has taught the world to love, share and live in harmony. We rejoice every single moment of the important events of festivities by celebrating them with great fervor. This year to pay the humble homage to our motherland and the pride of being the part of the world’s largest democracy Aspam planned to celebrate Republic Day with great patriotism and pride. The entire campus was colored in tricolour. The students and the teachers were all decked up in tricoloured clothes and the whole school was decorated beautifully with the significant colours of our flag. The day before the Republic Day, a special assembly was planned to inculcate the values of feeling pride for our nation and to make our young generations to be aware of innumerable sacrifices made by our great leaders. The early birds from our kindergarten wing were all clad in the costumes of our great leaders and freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Shubhash Chandra bose, Rani Laxmi Bai etc. They amazingly recited the famous slogans and dialogues for which our freedom fighters are remembered. The young aspamians at the best Primary School in Noida showcased their patriotism through the Fancy Dress Show and the pride in their voice. The senior wing with the choir group presented the medley of patriotic songs. It was magnetic indeed as the whole school joined in the choir and the vicinity reverberated the songs with enthusiasm and pride. The dance performances from various states of India showed how beautiful and diverse our culture is! Indeed, a pride moment for all! The graceful dance movements with melodious songs were spellbinding. The surrounding echoed with the loud applauds. Yes, every little drop in an ocean has its worth and so every one of us tried to offer our gratefulness and reverence to the heroes from time to till date have laid their lives for our freedom. The celebrations filled the air with patriotism and it was a tribute to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for giving us this freedom. The assembly concluded with the national anthem and distribution of sweets among the students.
Republic Day Celebrations on 26th January
As the Republic Day is a national holiday for all, but we at ASPAM, one of the best CBSE Schools in Noida, take pride to celebrate this important day with its grandeur and solemnity. All the school members including principal of the school, students’ council members, teachers, admin staff and other helping staff rejoice the day with all its enthusiasm and grandeur. The chief guest along with our principal Ma’am hoist the national flag, with the students salute to the National Flag, all singing national anthem and pledged themselves to uphold the honour and integrity, diversity and uniqueness of our motherland India. After the sweets sharing the school dispersed to reach home at the earliest to witness the gala event live telecasted on the T.V channels showcasing the grand Republic day Celebrations at Rajpath New Delhi. As we see the flag unfurl on January 26th every year, our hearts are filled with respect and pride about being an Indian.
Vows to Take
We at Aspam, one of the best Schools in Noida, believe the Republic Day is not just the day when our constitution was founded but a showcasing of what the country has achieved and grown to be. This 26th of January 2020, we have on the Republic Day rejoicing though all the elements that it is known for remain intact new formats are being introduced. There is a rise in women’s participation and the number of leaders invited which makes the celebrations this year a lot more politically driven and empowering. The spectacle is not just to be felt nationally but also worldwide.
So my request for this Republic Day is to let us familiarize ourselves with the founding pillars of our nation, its history and a little something about our Constitution! Let us all be united in its diversities and lead our country to the zenith where the world may look up to us for their revival. In the global unison, I wish my countrymen with its cultural and rich diverse ethos and social values may lead the world. It is now the right time for us as a nation, to introspect and question ourselves to what extent we have taken our country’s pride to? And as Mahatma Gandhi said,” be the change you want to see”.
Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!