Bullying in school is a form of aggression where a child intentionally and repeatedly causes other children harm, injury or discomfort. Bullying can be resulted in the form of physical fights, usage of abusive words or more subtle actions. Nowadays cases of bullying are increasing with each passing second. Hence, it has become the moral duty of the parents and the school to intervene and take appropriate actions well in time. With the correct approach, children displaying bullying like tendencies can and do change.
Some workable suggestions are-
1. Address the issue on an immediate basis
The moment it comes to your notice that your child has bullied somebody, it is necessary to have a talk right away with them. This will help your child remain aware that their actions are constantly observed by you and bullying is something that would never be accepted or tolerated. Such acts shall never be ignored.
2. Make an attempt to understand the root cause
A lot of children who tend to bully others are the ones who were bullied themselves first at some point in time. Some students indulge in acts of bullying for seeking social attention, exercising a sense of control over others, frustration or shame. Gender norms can be another cause as boys are taught since early childhood to bottle up emotions which often results in them reverting to aggressive behavior.
3. Seek help or prepare a feasible intervention plan
Once the root cause of indulging in bullying is identified, send your child for counselling where they get an outlet to talk about their deep seated issues. Provide your child with the most conducive home environment while providing enough opportunities for healthy discussions. Talk about the harmful consequences of bullying and why the practice is strongly discouraged.
4. Never shame your child. Shaming itself is a form of bullying.
Your behavior towards your child or that with others in front of them holds a huge impact in shaping the overall personality. Children start believing that it is “normal” to humiliate and embarrass others.
5. Become your child’s role model
Display acts of kindness, love and affection towards others. Children learn a lot from what they observe around them.
6. Work upon developing your child’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) Teach your child to label emotions, validate their feelings and provide unconditional positive regard. Display empathy, help your child solve problems and teach them enough coping strategies.