1 December 2021


Blog on Story telling

Blog on Story telling ~Neha Bhalla Stories need children, children need stories. Children instinctively love stories as they are introduced to wonderful ideas, places, and creatures they haven’t before encountered. Stories…
29 November 2021

Parenting Tips

Powerful Ways to Raise Healthy Kids

Powerful Ways to Raise Healthy Kids Positive Parenting behaviours are those that nurture the development of child’s core abilities. Rather than focusing on kids’ weaknesses and deficits, positive parenting involves emphasis and loving attention…
Schools in Noida
26 August 2021

Parenting Tips

Online Safety for Kids

Education is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. We cannot teach our kids in the same manner in which we were taught. Being “always online” can help kids to learn and connect with others more easily than they ever did…
Top 10 Schools in Ghazibad
20 January 2021

Parenting Tips


Vedic Mathematics a collection of techniques to solve mathematical arithmetic more easily and smartly, has been included in the curriculum of ASPAM Scottish, one of the
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
23 November 2020

Parenting Tips


HOW TO DEAL WITH CYBER BULLYING Cyberbullying, been listening to this term a lot? In less complicated terms, cyberbullying is the misuse of information technology to harm or harass people. It could be in the form of posting…
Top Schools in Noida
19 November 2020



VIRTUAL LEARNING ASPAM Scottish, Schools in Noida is helping their student get used to the virtual world and are going on a slow pace so that students can easily catch up with it. It is essential for…
Top School in Noida
10 July 2020

Parenting Tips

High Expectations

High Expectations CBSE Schools in Noida “With children… it is a fact that most parents criticize children more than they laud or congratulate them. We tend to be quick to criticize, slow to praise. We should be…
Top School in Noida
3 July 2020

Parenting Tips

Life Post Lockdown

Life Post Lockdown CBSE Schools in Noida Lockdown imposed due to pandemic has in some ways thrown our lives out of gear. It seems that we have to re-start ourselves to get back to the hustle and bustle…
Top School in Noida
30 June 2020

Parenting Tips

Child Safety First

Child Safety First CBSE Schools in Noida As a parent, you play an important role in keeping your child safe no matter how old he or she is. Here are a few tips to help you protect your child:
Top School in Noida
24 June 2020

Parenting Tips

Avoid Comparisons

Avoid Comparisons Top Schools in Noida “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”. Albert Einstei
Top Schools in Noida
29 May 2020

Parenting Tips

Topic Tangible Fears

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather a judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ― Meg Cabot (CBSE Schools in Noida) Sometimes, children develop fears of tangible things. It may be a…
Primary School in Noida
21 May 2020

Parenting Tips

Fear of the dark

Fear of the dark-CBSE Schools in Noida “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ― Meg Cabot Fear of the dark is one…
Primary School in Noida
15 May 2020



STAY HEALTHY- NEED OF THE HOUR-CBSE Schools in Noida In the present scenario, the whole world is terrified of the pandemic outbreak of corona. Even in our country, we can see the effects and accordingly the government has…
Primary School in Noida
8 May 2020

Parenting Tips

Calm Confident Parenting

Calm Confident Parenting-CBSE Schools in Noida Children close their eyes to advice but open their eyes to follow example. –Empowering parents In earlier times it was a notion that parenting was a natural…
Schools in Indirapuram
2 May 2020


Increasing Positivity In Captivity

Increasing Positivity In Captivity-CBSE Schools in Noida Positivity always wins. It is always a choice. We can train our minds to see good in everything as the happiness of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts….
Schools in Indirapuram
24 April 2020

Parenting Tips

Hygiene Basics for Kids

Hygiene Basics for Kids-CBSE Schools in Noida Hygiene is two third of health. – Lebanese proverb It is necessary to teach your child the basics of proper hygiene as a clean kid is a…
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