Best CBSE Schools in Noida
17 April 2020

Parenting Tips

Choosing good friends

Choosing good friends (CBSE Schools in Noida) “A good half of the art of living is resilience.” Alain de Botton For older children, watch attitude issues with new acquaintances. Often…
Best CBSE Schools in Noida
3 April 2020


Create a Culture of Accountability in Your Home

Create a Culture of Accountability in Your Home-CBSE Schools in Noida “Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility”. ~Dietrich Bonheoffer The word “accountable” itself means taking responsibility for one’s actions…
Best CBSE Schools in Noida
20 March 2020



IMPORTANCE OF PERFORMING ARTS The performing arts in education (CBSE Schools in Noida) play a hugely significant role in helping children develop their creative skills and overall personality, but are often overshadowed by academic subjects leaving a…
Best CBSE Schools in Noida
13 March 2020


Healthy Way to Stay Fit

Healthy Way to Stay Fit You reap what you sow – this remains true for us in all ways. We all suffer with many ailments in our life, which owe their roots to our unhealthy life style starting in…
Best CBSE Schools in Noida
7 March 2020



CORONAVIRUS – All WE NEED TO KNOW The deadly 2019-nCoV (corona virus) outbreak originated in Wuhan City, China and has spread to several cities across the globe. The new dangerous strain does not have an official name yet, so it’s called…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
22 February 2020


Importance of Value Education

Importance of Value Education ‘Values are the guiding principles that help you determine what is right or wrong’ Education (CBSE Schools in Noida) is not just learning, gaining knowledge or scoring marks but about holistic development. Holistic development…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
21 February 2020

Parenting Tips

Instilling positive values in children

Instilling positive values in children A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes .It is a catalyst and sparks extraordinary results.  — Wade Boggs  One of the most important things your child…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
4 February 2020


26th of January, A Day of Pride

26th of January, A Day of Pride We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic …. do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution.” Thus here our preamble declares India to be a…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
31 January 2020


How Technology Integration is Transforming Education?

How Technology Integration is Transforming Education? Education empowers a generation with knowledge and smoothens the path for a better future and if it is digitalized with technology the transition becomes smoother. New technology is common but new thinking is rare. This rare thinking…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
31 January 2020

Parenting Tips

Overcoming Fears

Overcoming Fears “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ― Meg Cabot Fear of the dark—Fear of the dark is…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
17 January 2020

Parenting Tips


TEACHING YOUR KIDS INTEGRITY “Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.”   ― George Eliot Teaching your children good values and integrity is one of the gifts that you can give them that…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
10 January 2020

Parenting Tips

Encouraging better behaviour

Encouraging better behaviour “Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.” ― Albert Einstein It is human tendency to challenge rules set on behaviour and children are no exception. All children defy…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
3 January 2020

Parenting Tips

Health and Nutrition (Contd.)

Health and Nutrition (Contd.) “Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other.”  ~Joseph Addison Never use food as a reward Reward in form of food could create weight problems in later life. It would be better to…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
20 December 2019

Parenting Tips

Teaching Diversity

Teaching Diversity Diversity: The art of thinking independently together– Malcolm Forbes Here are a few more suggestions to help you teach children to not only value diversity but also to resist prejudice and discrimination.(CBSE Schools in…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
29 November 2019


Brain Training and How Can It Help Students

Brain Training and How Can It Help Students The brain is a wonderful organ packed with a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. Brain power improves by its continuous use, just as our body strength grows with rigorous…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
22 November 2019

Parenting Tips

Importance of mistakes

Importance of mistakes “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”  ― Albert Einstein When children are given the opportunity to struggle and sometimes fail, you allow them to develop important social and…
Top Schools in Ghaziabad
17 November 2019

Parenting Tips

Raising smart, curious children

Raising smart, curious children “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ~William Arthur Ward Being curious about things means we love learning-Top Schools in Noida. People who love learning demonstrate…
Best School in Noida
8 November 2019

Parenting Tips


RESOLVING CONFLICTS-CBSE Schools in Noida “A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute” — Edward 4. Mess: When parents try to get children to pick up their…
Best Schools in Noida Extension
5 November 2019


Useful Tips To Nurture Curiosity

Useful Tips To Nurture Curiosity  Curiosity is what drives us to learn new things, which is why curiosity is essential in the education process. Curiosity is a big part of academic performance. But how can we nurture curiosity in young children?…
Best School in Noida
25 October 2019

Parenting Tips

Ways to Raise a Moral Child

Ways to Raise a Moral Child There are two lasting bequests we can give our children.  One is roots.  The other is wings.                                                                ~ Hodding Carter, Jr. Nursery Admission In Noida, Raising a moral child means…
Best School in Noida
18 October 2019

Parenting Tips

The Effects of Praise

The Effects of Praise “The greatest accomplishment is in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.”                                                                                       ― Vince Lombardi Praise can be a powerful motivating force if parents follow these guidelines-schools-in-noida-extension:
Top Schools in Noida
24 September 2019


Why Schools Should Organize Educational Trips

Why Schools Should Organize Educational Trips Memories of school educational trips are one of the most prominent of the developmental years, generally because of that they are a much needed breaks in the everyday practice of students. List of…
aspam academy noida
13 September 2019

Parenting Tips

How to deal reactive attachment disorder

How to deal reactive attachment disorder Attachment is a great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained by someone who is detached.–Simone Weil Lying is one of the unwanted behaviours of children that worry any parent tremendously. Is there another worse form…
aspam academy noida
3 September 2019


Benefits of Field Trips

Benefits of Field Trips We know that students who have been exposed to different activities fare better in school. To become excellent thinkers, students should recount from what they read to what they experience. To think broadly, students must have field…
List of Schools in Ghaziabad
30 August 2019


Character Building

Character Building “One can acquire everything in solitude except character.”    —Stendhal Topic—Character Building Discipline Wisely Disciplining means setting expectations, holding kids accountable to them and responding to their lapses…
Best School in Noida
11 August 2019


Five Common Reasons Students Fear Examination

Five Common Reasons Students Fear Examination Every one of us has sometime in our life have faced examination and many of us have likely faced the stress also.  Most of the students are generally nervous before or during the examination…
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